Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What happens to your personal information when you give it our company?

We will use your email address to send you an email confirmation of the purchase.

Your IP address will be automatically recorded when you visit this website. This helps us understand your operating system, the browsing habits, and more.

In signing up to receive our newsletters, you\’ll be informed about the latest products, stores and other pertinent information.

Section 2: Consent

How do I best get my permission?

When we request the personal information of you in order to process a payment or verify your credit card information for an online transaction that is secure, to arrange delivery or returns, to exchange products or to fulfill any other purpose You hereby the consent to its use and collection for that specific purpose.

We\’ll ask for consent or offer you an option to reject if the information we collect is utilized in ways that are unrelated.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some instances there may be a need to share personal data if the law requires the sharing or if you\’ve violated our terms and conditions.


Our third-party partners who we collaborate with do not store or give out data when it is necessary to perform the service.

Some payment processors (or payment gateways) have policies on privacy that we must follow in order for them to complete the transaction.

It is recommended that you read the privacy policies of these providers so that you understand the way your personal information is utilized by these service providers.

Be aware that certain service providers may be in or operate facilities that are not within your jurisdiction or that we work from. In the scenario that you opt to make use of the services offered by a third party, it is possible that your data are subject to local laws.

SECTION 6. Section 5.

We take all reasonable precautions to secure your personal information that you supply.

Information you provide us is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and AES-256. Even though there aren\’t 100% safe electronic means of transmitting as well as storage adhere to industry standards.


You confirm that by accessing this website you have complied with the limitations on age in your province or state where you reside or have agreed to let minors, who are dependent on you gain access to this site.